
This Blog is for all those shutterbugs that find Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania, a great place to create beautiful images. Submit any photo you would like published to revanchalk@gmail.com

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fishing with Kenneth Moyer

Hello Bob:
A friend scanned the photos of the big catfish I had mentioned to you before. Photo 2 is the one that was big enough to get a PA Fish Commission citation. Photo 3 is my fishing partner (Greg Yost) with a decent Bass caught the same day. Another friend and I did get up to the lake the first full week of November and it was a beautiful day. No really big fish but good action for November. I’ll be back in the Spring.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tom Jobe's fantastic images of the Bald Eagle

Hi Bob, Took these photos on a side road just outside the park. I'm
sure he frequents the lake for lunch. Tom Jobe

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

From Bob Evanchalk

This Great Egret followed me home
from Sweet Arrow Lake.  I fed her a dead fish from the trout nursery.

From Bob Evanchalk

I spotted these Quadruplet fawns just outside the Park Boundary on 8/15/11.

From Corky-- a tremendous image

I searched the WEB for the Clubhouse.....at Sweet Arrow Lake and this is what I found hahaha corky

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Corky spots an Eagle at Sweet Arrow

Corky is pretty sure the bird got a fish.
This trumps Corky's fishing success.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Contributed by Corky

I was sitting on the bench at the point at the clubhouse and I spotted him sitting on the dead tree across the lake look above the kayak. Now every time I go over there I look at them 2 dead limbs....Corky

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tom Jobe Wildlife images

I'm enclosing photos of a nice Pileated Woodpecker I recently took at
Sweet Arrow Lake. There is always something nice to take a photo of at
the Lake. Tom Jobe

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chris, the "Happy Fisherman" from the 2/26/09 post submitted some pictures of his 2011 catch on the ice.