
This Blog is for all those shutterbugs that find Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania, a great place to create beautiful images. Submit any photo you would like published to revanchalk@gmail.com

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tom Jobe provided these impresive images of a mink working on the bank of Sweet Arrow Lake.Comments from Tom " Thanks for the ID on my mink photos. I enjoyed talking to a fellow photographer. Everyone I've talked to is impressed with the work being done at the Lake. Thanks again, Tom Jobe"

Note: That in spite of being blind in the left eye, the mink seems quite healthy and fit.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Contributed By Maggie Boyer

Maggie says "Thanks for helping create such a nice place to take our kids".