
This Blog is for all those shutterbugs that find Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania, a great place to create beautiful images. Submit any photo you would like published to revanchalk@gmail.com

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ron Does it again!

Ron is the guy who always tells me there are no fish in the lake.  This is his second Muskellunge in as many years.   Photos by Corky 4/19/14

Corky says, "Caught  on 4lb test. Using a mealy worm. I said  same guy 2 Muskie in  2 years in sweet arrow might be a record.  Let's call him.  MUSKI".

Goslings by Corky

Corky submitted some photos of some early goslings. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

A sunset view from Sweet Arrow Lake after a nice, relaxing day of fishing. -Stephen Barnyock

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stocking trout for opening day 2014

The Northern Swatara Creek Watershed Association, Swatara Cooperative Nursery stocked 1,000 trout on March 27th for opening day March 29th.  This was the most difficult ever attempted.  Since NSCWA started stocking in 1999, they have never had to stock through the ice.  Lamar Butler prepped the stocking areas with his splitting maul.

Corky submitted the following series of shots to show the effort.