
This Blog is for all those shutterbugs that find Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania, a great place to create beautiful images. Submit any photo you would like published to revanchalk@gmail.com

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Here are a few more birds I’ve photographed at Sweet Arrow Lake.
 Song sparrow and another great blue heron
 Andy Matsko

Monday, August 19, 2019

Here are a few photos I shot in my first two weeks of retirement. A butterfly (Common Buckeye)   a great blue heron and a cedar waxwing

Andy Martsko/retired photographer from The Republican-Herald

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Red-tailed Hawk takes on a rattlesnake and wins.

Tom Jobe spotted this Red-Tailed Hawk dispatching a rattlesnake and is sharing his photos with us.  It was not at Sweet Arrow Lake but near Tower City.  Great photos of an unusual event.